We know better than anyone how important it is to spend quality time with our family, because we never know when one of us may be gone for a while. It goes without saying that we want to engage with our kids in the most fun way possible, so why not make content to do that!
We are from the east coast of Canada!
We are born and bred in New Brunswick, Canada! And proud of it. We try to head back east for family visits every chance we get. Our family loves the outdoors, hiking, and picnics in our backyard
We have more hobbies than our house can hold!
When we were posted, there weren’t many houses available in our budget. So the one we got is a BIT smaller than we would like, but we have managed to cram it full of the people and things that we love. Everything from drawing, colouring, and tabletop RPG games like Dungeons & Dragons or Warhammer 40K.
Our love of crafting has been a constant source of inspiration for us! We spend as much time as we can playing and engaging with our kids, so it was an easy jump to start making content that works for them!
Content Request Form
We work hard to develop content with popular themes in mind, but it’s hard to think of everything. Do you or your children have a favorite theme that you didn’t find here? Send us a message and maybe we can figure it out!